Sunday, February 4, 2007

One Night In Bangkok Makes a Jewish Man Humble

I was reading a article on how wives should treat husbands and came across this post left in the comments section:

I grew up in a staunchly secular enviroment. However, as a young teen, became a "political" zionist, made aliyah, served in TZHAL and was a member of a kibbutz. Dating Jewish women, even in Israel was a difficult task. Some jews embrace liberalism and intermarry accordingly. My friends and I of similar back grounds, have all intermarried. We were not men who did not care about marrying a Jewish women. We intermarried by default and mostly to Asian women. There is a lack of man appreciation amongst all too many Jewish women......Filipina women treat jewish men "right." Why are the daughters of our people not competing?

As blame-the-victim as I typically am I'm surprised at myself for not automatically calling this guy a massive pussy. I myself have dated numerous Jewish women and have been left feeling relatively the same way as him. Not enough to drive me away, but enough to see why the Jewish man would go Asian. Jewish women do tend to focus on fault (to a fault - badum bum) and few are willing to settle for less than a doctor or lawyer or his lesser valued and more unattractive cousin, the accountant. But Jewish men also tend to be babied and grow up less aggressive than their non-Jewish counterpart.

So what do all these women do? Do they just not get married? Do they marry out of fear of loneliness? Many create their destiny. They hate men so they treat their husbands like shit which allows him to cheat which, when he gets caught, further proves to the woman that men suck. I don't want to get into the whole Freudian argument about why woman hate men as that seems to be a "which came first, the chicken or the egg" argument, in that, do women hate men because their fathers are lame, or are their fathers lame because their mothers hate men? [by the way, whenever you get a question like this the answer is almost always "a little of both"].

Maybe this guys story is purely anecdotal and circumstantial and not to be used as an argument for or against anything. On a macro level one could argue his lack of aggressivness is evident in his choice. Instead of trying to find the right Jewish woman or changing, he just threw in the towel and opted out of the game by picking the first Asian peasant that walked by. Hate to be politically incorrect but lets face it: offer these women the chance at something more than white rice twice a day for the next 30 years and you just found yourself a wife. Call me insensitive, but I've been all over asia, trust me, its true.

But lets say its not his fault. Lets say the Jewish woman starts out life disrespecting man. This isn't too hard to imagine being that they grow up watching their brothers and fathers being babied and their mothers handling everything. Can you really blame them for not being appreciative? Well yes, you certainly can. At about the age of 25 you have to stop blaming your family and start blaming yourself. The irony is that the Jewish woman is just as impotent as the Jewish male they grow to hate. Unsexual, complain and expect millions for it - most end up spinsters on Jdate.

So who do we blame? Like I said before, when you get a question like this the answer is almost always "a little of both." We blame Jewish women for not competing or even caring and we blame the Jewish men for throwing in the towel way too quickly. Ladies, face it, we pretty much all grew up in the city, don't expect your "man" to be tarzan - be happy with the men that the society you've helped create and support produced. Men, face it, your lame and no one cares that your a freelance web designer so work more on your personality and stop throwing in the towel just because a few girls rejected you.