Wednesday, August 1, 2007

New Post - Its Been A While!

So I've thought long and hard about whether to abandon this blog, as 80% of is abandoned anyway. That and the fact that I don't actually believe anyone reads this blog, except for a few people who clearly despise me (which is totally cool). But I've officially decided to keep it going and keep it updated. Much to the despair of most who read it. That being said, on to my small but new post:

Bleeding Hearts, Bleeding Hearts Everywhere, And Not A Drop Of Blood To Be Found

I recently came across this Consumerist article. It speaks of a girl who went to Borders and was upset by their insistence that she take a Borders plastic bag with her book. The company insisted on this as a means to easily identify theft. She was upset that this policy will damage the environment. She is 100% correct. Plastic is an oil derivative and is pumped out of the ground, deep below, turned into stuff and then placed on our land above the surface. So really, we're just pumping crap up and gently placing it on our land. It would be like taking everything out of your basment and placing it all in your kitchen, with almost no way of ever putting it back in the basment. So she certainly has a point - when Harry Potter sells 12 million books, thats now 12 million extra plastic bags due to a store policy. But, and here is where most liberals go wrong, liberals are always more than willing to ignore their blatant narcissism. This girl never once though that cutting down a tree to read 500 pages of a shitty childrens book would hurt the environment. Especially since if she waited, she could reuse one by borrowing a copy or going to the library. Why did she not think that? Because she wanted her gay-ass Harry Potter book, and liberals get what they want.

When liberals want to feel like they're good people fighting for human rights, they march down the street with oak tag while chatting on their cell phone and at night they can sleep easy knowing that Darfur is now a better place for it. The reality is that 12 million plastic bags are far, far better for the environment then 12 million, 500 page, books. Books require trees, which require water to grow and then bleach and tons of processing. I've lived near a paper plant, its awful, it smells like horrible death and its terrible for the environment. But for liberals, so long as they make an uninformed complaint which does not negatively impact their ability to consume and sooth their selves with superficial trends, then they are happy. And if they are happy, then I am happy. No wait, I meant if they are dead, then I am happy. Maybe after that woman is done reading her Harry Potter book she can inter-marry, have the TV and McDonalds raise her children and call the Yankees "culture." The greatest thing about liberals are their ability to perpetuate the divorce industry and pay for the mansions of Divorce Attorneys. It always seemed strange to me that the one group of our culture that claims to know all about romanticism and love happens to be the same group with the highest divorce rates. I guess the only kind of love they know about is the fleeting kind.