1) So I suppose the first question ought to be, who are you and what do you do?
I’m D.A. Hänks, a writer - and soon to be radio commentator - for the NatParUSA website. We’ve just expanded our site to include 24 hour internet radio that represents the freedom that America should espouse to the rest of the world. I am also the author of the underground patriot novel, “Patriot Act – a Novel of Resistance.”
2) For our readers who may not know, is the Nationalist Party a “white power” party or a hate group of any kind?
The Nationalist Party is far from being a hate group; in fact it is love - not hate - which fuels our beliefs. I do not hate someone for being different, but I do love my own kind - people who are of the same race as me - and I believe that I should have the right to associate or disassociate with whomever I wish. I feel it is just as wrong to force people to be together, as it is to force them to be apart. I want to see my culture and heritage preserved; not diluted and erased. Wolves and bobcats cannot coexist peacefully, so how can you expect people to act peacefully when they are just as different as the wolf and bobcat, yet forcefully kept together in the same cage we call multicultural society?
3) What is the Nationalist Party’s stance on Jews living in America? Are they treated like any other minority group or singled out for any particular reason?
We believe that they are of a group that is not like ourselves, therefore, we wish to be separated from Jews. We don’t “single” anyone out. However, we cannot help but look at who controls our banking institutions, media, political system, and Hollywood, without understanding that there is a definite Zionist agenda to control our finances, and to force multiculturalism upon a nation that was formed devoid of it, without realizing that many of the problems we face are a direct result of Jewish supremacism. There would be no illegal immigration problem, if not for the fact that the Zionists’ love of money demands a cheap labor force.
4) I believe in communitarianism, in that each community should be distinct and together support a government, much like the spokes support a wheel. What impact do you feel individualism has had on our government?
We no longer have individualism. That ended when Lincoln federalized this nation against the principles of the democratic-republic upon which it was founded. Prior to that, the wheel spokes of which you speak were known as nation-states. Each state was a separate and sovereign nation, free to control itself, with common unity and governmental oversight only in a few key areas. We now report to a central government that according to the Constitution has jurisdiction in the United States over non US citizens only, and over US citizens only in the District of Columbia.
The impact individualism had on our government, was for that government to then declare war against the states that supported it, and forcefully integrate the ones that lost. That said; the impact was to smash individualism, under the orders of the Zionism you are a part of. Zionism can never exist in its true form with any other “isms” in play at the same time.
NatPar seeks true individualism. We seek the rights of the individual to be fully restored. When properly restored, our individual rights along with our individual states rights will become the fifty spokes that you describe in your hypothetical American wheel. The difference is that our individuals will have rights, and not be told what to do.
5) I have tons of questions regarding the Nationalist Party and America, but since this is a blog about a specific topic, I suppose I will keep the interview to just a narrow premise. What communities do the Nationalist Party represent?
Every community that believes in same principles that we do.
6) Do you think Black Nationalism, and the black community, will ever be taken seriously in our society, and if not, what needs to be done?
They have just as much right to it as Whites do, but look at any Black Nationalist country in Africa or the Caribbean, to see the results. They are all destitute, disease-ridden, and incapable of governing themselves. While I believe they have every right, just as we do, I also believe that they will fail, and I think that is how society in general, views their idea as well. So no, it will not be taken seriously. Even if Blacks were to get their own piece of the country in a Balkanized America, they would soon be at war with the surrounding areas anyway. They are tribalistic people, and it will always be present in their culture. Do I support their quest? Sure, but I also think it will fail miserably and with a great deal of bloodshed.
7) The primary concept of communitarianism is the respect of another community, even if it means you may not like or love that community. Why do you feel the Jews respect the Islamic community, even though the Islamic community despises them, but does not respect the communities represented by the Nationalist Party?
I don’t believe that Jews respect any culture or community other than their own. The word “Shiksa,” means spoiled meat, yet it also means “White woman.” Can you tell me how that shows respect?
We need to respect the beliefs of others, but it does not mean we either agree or like the other; it merely means that we need to understand that different people behave differently and need to be left alone if they so desire. I believe in separatism as opposed to supremacism. This probably follows your ideals as well. In regard to your misunderstanding of the Islamists versus the Nationalist party, you are confusing respect with fear.
8) Has the Party ever done anything to change that mentality?
What mentality? How can you convince a fox that a chicken is a coyote, or vice-versa?
9) Do you support Zionism? And if not, isn’t it essentially nationalism? Explain.
That is a two-sided question. First, Zionism is separatism, as is Nationalism. There, we probably agree. However, Zionism is also supremacism, and that is where the similarities end. Zionists want to control the economy and those that exist within that economy
If more than one group advocates supremacism, you will have nothing but conflict (only one can be victorious and therefore, supreme. Therefore, you will continue to have discord and wars). By the same token, many groups can simultaneously have separatism - with satisfactory results - provided everyone respects the other’s differences, and does not attempt to invade the other’s space. Israel and Palestine could very easily have peace, if not for the continued unprovoked attacks against Palestinians and their lands. If you are going to have separatism, understand that means being separate, not controlling in an overlord/serfdom. Feudalism is NOT separatism, nor is it freedom, which is what we desire.
So, to answer your question, I do not support Zionism; only for the fact that Zionism is supremacism, not separatism. If you would accommodate others, I might feel differently, but I see you as just as great of a threat as you view me. If Zionists were true separatists, I might feel differently than I do, but how can one accept a supremacy view and be content with it? Israel continually claims they want to be left alone, yet they continue to meddle in the affairs of everyone else around the world, causing strife and malcontent at every turn. You don’t like White supremacists, so why should anyone else like Jewish supremacists? You cannot hate, hate; to do so is to be hypocritical, as is the dislike of one form of supremacy when you believe in a different one as well.
10) How do you react to the extremely high inter-faith marriage rate in our country?
We were made differently for a reason. Marrying outside of one’s race or faith only dilutes one’s heritage. No racialist of any ethnicity should encourage interfaith or interracial marriage. It serves no purpose other than to remove the traits that make us individuals.
If you mix all the colors together, you get brown. That will never change; it is the law of physics in this universe. There is no more red, yellow, or blue; or any secondary or tertiary colors in between, and no way to separate them back from the brown mix they have become. Those colors are lost forever. That analogy represents multiculturalism and inter-faith/racial mixing. We will ALL lose our individuality (as colors in the spectrum of life, if you will) and become one monochromatic culture. That is wrong. How ironic that our color spectrum by the laws of physics, ends up with the same color of multiculturalism? This is not by chance; laws are laws. Whites, reds, tans, blacks, and yellows, will all end up brown when mixed together. Mideasterners and Mexican mestizos are an excellent example of how people end up when they intermarry.
11) Singaporean Communitarianism believes not in the inherent rights of the individual, but the inherent responsibilities of the individual. What are you feelings on this?
Free people have rights. Subjects have responsibilities. That is why I choose to live in America, and not Singapore. “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” is Socialist propaganda. I owe my government nothing; it represents me, not the other way around.
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