Sunday, December 24, 2006

Why Liberalism IS anti-Semitism

Lately I’ve been hearing a liberal argument that, on its face, seems difficult to argue with. The argument goes something along the lines of “I, as an american, am allowed to protest Israel because my tax dollars go to fund their army.” This is the argument usually used to counter-argue the anti-semitism veil which most pro-Israelis label such rabidly anti-Israel opponents. Here is why the argument fails, and in fact, further proves anti-semitic bias.

Israel gets billions in US aid, no argument there. Israel has since killed approximately 6-8000 Palestinians in an attempt, however wanton or reckless you may label it, to rid the area of militant terrorists. Therefore, as an American citizen who is indirectly paying for this, you should be allowed to protest it.

Over the past 15 years, the US has given approximately 20 Billion dollars in aid to Russia. The same country that has killed over 250,000 Chechens in an attempt, however wanton or reckless you may label it, to seize oil. They have also armed Iran with nuclear and non-nuclear weaponry which have been passed down to lord knows what militant groups.

Of all the street protests I have ever seen in NY, and of all the Caddilac Jew-hating liberals I have spoken to, NONE of them have ever mentioned how appalled they are at the fact that their tax dollars are indirectly going to Russia’s occupation of Chechnya purely for greed and oil.
Now, this proves one of two things:

(1) You’re either as unbelievably educated as you claim and know full well about the Russian massacres that you are paying for, but don’t care because you hate Jews.


(2) You are a puppet of the New York Times and BBC political agenda and you do what they say when they say and your only knowledge of anything in this world is their misinterpretation of it.

No matter which one you chose, you should probably be hung, but not until death, just for the pain of it all. Last time I checked, 250,000 is way more than 8,000.

8,000 deaths = 100’s of street protests
250,000 deaths = 0 street protests.

Admit it, you don’t hate Israel, and you don’t love just simply hate Jews. And the prospect of being such a simpleton after all those years of education and high-horse PhD bullshit is simply too difficult to accept. Fortunately you’re smart enough to come up with rationalizations for everything. Fortunately, I’m here to prove those rationalizations wrong.

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