Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So it's been a while...

...but I just wanted to say that I, of course, didn't actually date or even contact the asian chick I speak of below. In fact, I started dating a Jewish Brooklyn girl (did any of you actually think I would date a non-Jew?) and we are most likely getting engaged in a few months. But I wanted to thank everyone for the support, regardless of your opinion. The response was huge and far bigger than I expected. Its amazing how supportive people are when you speak of inter-marriage and how against you they are when you speak of marrying within the faith. I still think parents are to blame and did/do little to stop assimilation.

So for my last last post (unless for some reason something happens that's worthy of mention) I will repeat a line that I started the blog off with:

besser tzu shtarben staiendik aider tzu leben oif di kni. ("better to die standing than live on your knees.")

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The last and final post for Jewish Destrudo

Hi all. I sat down to write this post a bit teary eyed. I must admit. Not because this is the last post for this most beloved (and I when I say beloved I really mean "hated") blog, but because of why it is the last post.

As anyone can tell by my blog, I was utterly disgusted by any Jew who would marry a non-Jew. Especially a Jewish man, since that deprives the community of his, what would have been, Jewish children. For a population which has been decimated numerous times, numbers matter. But as I dated numerous Jewish girls throughout the years (I would say easily 120+ Jewish women) I have noticed something that is eye opening to me. What I have noticed is that Jewish women simply don't care. I've tried it all, varying themes as time progressed. I tried being myself, being the asshole, the thoughtful one, the sweet one, the thin(er) one, the heavier one, the nice one, the mean one. I've tried being the employed one, the debt free one, the planner, the impromptu one, the one that thinks about marriage and wants it, the one that thinks about sex and doesn't care about marriage. I tried being the future planner, the well dresser, the suit dresser (when coming from work), the down dresser. I tried being on time, early, and fashionably late. I tried. I really did. Honestly. You can't say I didn't date enough as I dated tons of women from all backgrounds. I rarely rejected matches and instead wanted to find out who the people were in person, instead of just deciding based on some conforming profile. I was even thoughtful in the places I chose for the date. If the woman was into knitting, I didn't take her to some arbitrary pub, but instead to a knitting cafe. But ultimately, no one cared. Not one.

Now I'm not going to sit here and even think for a minute that its all their fault. I could have been thin and buff, been more accomplished, been more religious, less religious, whatever it may be. I'm not going to say why they didn't care since I can't possibly know. All I do know, is that they didn't. To the contrary, there are fatter, uglier, less accomplished people who are happily married. My theory is that a lot of these upper west side women are married to their daddies. Their daddies pay their bills, are accomplished, never ask them about getting married, and shower them with unconditional love and require nothing of them in return. How can I possibly compete with that?? Well...I can't.

So as I seriously contemplate calling up my Korean friend and asking her out, I thought I would put an end to this blog. I'm a dick. I'm an asshole. But I'm no hypocrite. I now see what all these guys are talking about. I now see what they mean when they say that they are totally disregarded by unsexual, uncaring, uninteresting women. Having dated most of them (or so it feels), I can finally say: You're right. I was wrong. Sometimes its easy to just lay down a blanket rule, without figuring out why the rule is broken so often. Well, now I've figured it out and I apologize to all I may have offended in the process. Dating for a few years sounds easy, simple and fun. But its not "dating" for a few years. Its effort, its rejection, its investing emotion which goes unreturned, its costly, its draining, and ultimately, its depressing. Dating encompasses all of the above and one can only take it for so long.

Hopefully if the woman I do marry is non-Jewish, she'll convert. If not, then our Jewish culture and society has failed us and failed an entire generation of jewish women by spoiling them into a life of narcissism. I'm sure all the women I dated had valid reasons for being wholly unimpressed by me and thats ok. But for once in my life, I'd like to actually go out with a girl that likes me and wants to be with me. A girl that won't be half listening to me on our first phone conversation because she's busy IMing other people (and too stupid to mute the volume so I don't hear the IM sounds in the background), a girl that won't show up 45 minutes late only to keep me standing there while she finishes her phone call, a girl that won't check her phone 5 times throughout the first date, a girl that won't be bitter and condescending the entire date to me, a girl that won't go out knowing she doesn't like me just for the free meal, a girl that will show me something other than total and utter disregard, a girl that.... and on and on.

So again, farewell to all my loyal readers and hate mail senders. I apologize to you all. Although I wished you ill will, I hope you can find it in your heart to wish me the best and that I find someone that actually likes me enough to be with me.

Goodbye to you all and best wishes,

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

New Post - Its Been A While!

So I've thought long and hard about whether to abandon this blog, as 80% of Blogger.com is abandoned anyway. That and the fact that I don't actually believe anyone reads this blog, except for a few people who clearly despise me (which is totally cool). But I've officially decided to keep it going and keep it updated. Much to the despair of most who read it. That being said, on to my small but new post:

Bleeding Hearts, Bleeding Hearts Everywhere, And Not A Drop Of Blood To Be Found

I recently came across this Consumerist article. It speaks of a girl who went to Borders and was upset by their insistence that she take a Borders plastic bag with her book. The company insisted on this as a means to easily identify theft. She was upset that this policy will damage the environment. She is 100% correct. Plastic is an oil derivative and is pumped out of the ground, deep below, turned into stuff and then placed on our land above the surface. So really, we're just pumping crap up and gently placing it on our land. It would be like taking everything out of your basment and placing it all in your kitchen, with almost no way of ever putting it back in the basment. So she certainly has a point - when Harry Potter sells 12 million books, thats now 12 million extra plastic bags due to a store policy. But, and here is where most liberals go wrong, liberals are always more than willing to ignore their blatant narcissism. This girl never once though that cutting down a tree to read 500 pages of a shitty childrens book would hurt the environment. Especially since if she waited, she could reuse one by borrowing a copy or going to the library. Why did she not think that? Because she wanted her gay-ass Harry Potter book, and liberals get what they want.

When liberals want to feel like they're good people fighting for human rights, they march down the street with oak tag while chatting on their cell phone and at night they can sleep easy knowing that Darfur is now a better place for it. The reality is that 12 million plastic bags are far, far better for the environment then 12 million, 500 page, books. Books require trees, which require water to grow and then bleach and tons of processing. I've lived near a paper plant, its awful, it smells like horrible death and its terrible for the environment. But for liberals, so long as they make an uninformed complaint which does not negatively impact their ability to consume and sooth their selves with superficial trends, then they are happy. And if they are happy, then I am happy. No wait, I meant if they are dead, then I am happy. Maybe after that woman is done reading her Harry Potter book she can inter-marry, have the TV and McDonalds raise her children and call the Yankees "culture." The greatest thing about liberals are their ability to perpetuate the divorce industry and pay for the mansions of Divorce Attorneys. It always seemed strange to me that the one group of our culture that claims to know all about romanticism and love happens to be the same group with the highest divorce rates. I guess the only kind of love they know about is the fleeting kind.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

YouTube video and Update

I recently came across this youtube video and think everyone on the planet should watch it:

UN Video

Also, I recently came back from the communitarianist zion - Singapore. I will be writing an article on what communitarianism means (by definition - as I recently realized I have yet to do that) and how it affects everyone. I recently acquired Lee Kuan Yew's memoir and after reading it I'm sure I'll have more to say.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Lack of Communitarianism and its effect on the displaced

The greatest thing about the internet is its perpetual cache. From 1994 and on, when anything is done, there is almost always a presence of it on the web. This month marks the 10th anniversary of the Heavens Gate cult suicide. But unlike Jim Jones (leader of the Jonestown mass suicide which left about 1,000 dead), who left little of his history, Heavens Gate was prominent on the internet, even back in 1996.

In fact, their web site is still up: here

And here is a Google Groups message left by on one of the members here - note the date it was left. The woman who left it was found dead 3 months later, with 5 dollars worth of quarters in her pocket. Why 5 dollars worth of quarters you ask? Because the space ship hidden behind hale-bop comet had vending machines and arcades that she had planned to make use of....naturally. [Bizarre that such an advanced ship would rely on standard issue U.S. currency.]

Of course this is of no surprise, being that the founders of Heavens Gate both met at a psychiatric hospital while being hospitalized for schizophrenia. And yet, even though they managed to get at one point around 200 followers, to me cult suicide speaks nothing of those who partake in it, and everything of a society that allows it to occur. Today there is only one survivor of the Heavens Gate and he is still a firm believer in it. His childhood is described as an abusive mother and a father that left him when he was 3. When asked recently about his first meeting with the DO (the leader of Heavens Gate) he cried and said it was “like finally meeting my father.”

Jim Jones didn't kill a thousand people, and DO didn't kill 39. In my opinion, depression and our societies' reluctance to appreciate mental health did. Calling these people freaks is easy, but offering them mental health, a community of support and a non-profit driven health industry is something American society is wholly incapable of offering. What should be taken away from this 10 year anniversary is how little our society has progressed in this field and how much work still needs to be done. Because of cut backs, HMO's and regressive movements like Scientology (who also pressures former members to commit suicide and are vehemently opposed to psychiatry because L. Ron Hubbard was psychotic and frequently hospitalized) it is very likely that cult suicide will continue well into the future. As a 1st world society, this 10th year anniversary should be a disgrace to us all.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

One Night In Bangkok Makes a Jewish Man Humble

I was reading a Aish.com article on how wives should treat husbands and came across this post left in the comments section:

I grew up in a staunchly secular enviroment. However, as a young teen, became a "political" zionist, made aliyah, served in TZHAL and was a member of a kibbutz. Dating Jewish women, even in Israel was a difficult task. Some jews embrace liberalism and intermarry accordingly. My friends and I of similar back grounds, have all intermarried. We were not men who did not care about marrying a Jewish women. We intermarried by default and mostly to Asian women. There is a lack of man appreciation amongst all too many Jewish women......Filipina women treat jewish men "right." Why are the daughters of our people not competing?

As blame-the-victim as I typically am I'm surprised at myself for not automatically calling this guy a massive pussy. I myself have dated numerous Jewish women and have been left feeling relatively the same way as him. Not enough to drive me away, but enough to see why the Jewish man would go Asian. Jewish women do tend to focus on fault (to a fault - badum bum) and few are willing to settle for less than a doctor or lawyer or his lesser valued and more unattractive cousin, the accountant. But Jewish men also tend to be babied and grow up less aggressive than their non-Jewish counterpart.

So what do all these women do? Do they just not get married? Do they marry out of fear of loneliness? Many create their destiny. They hate men so they treat their husbands like shit which allows him to cheat which, when he gets caught, further proves to the woman that men suck. I don't want to get into the whole Freudian argument about why woman hate men as that seems to be a "which came first, the chicken or the egg" argument, in that, do women hate men because their fathers are lame, or are their fathers lame because their mothers hate men? [by the way, whenever you get a question like this the answer is almost always "a little of both"].

Maybe this guys story is purely anecdotal and circumstantial and not to be used as an argument for or against anything. On a macro level one could argue his lack of aggressivness is evident in his choice. Instead of trying to find the right Jewish woman or changing, he just threw in the towel and opted out of the game by picking the first Asian peasant that walked by. Hate to be politically incorrect but lets face it: offer these women the chance at something more than white rice twice a day for the next 30 years and you just found yourself a wife. Call me insensitive, but I've been all over asia, trust me, its true.

But lets say its not his fault. Lets say the Jewish woman starts out life disrespecting man. This isn't too hard to imagine being that they grow up watching their brothers and fathers being babied and their mothers handling everything. Can you really blame them for not being appreciative? Well yes, you certainly can. At about the age of 25 you have to stop blaming your family and start blaming yourself. The irony is that the Jewish woman is just as impotent as the Jewish male they grow to hate. Unsexual, complain and expect millions for it - most end up spinsters on Jdate.

So who do we blame? Like I said before, when you get a question like this the answer is almost always "a little of both." We blame Jewish women for not competing or even caring and we blame the Jewish men for throwing in the towel way too quickly. Ladies, face it, we pretty much all grew up in the city, don't expect your "man" to be tarzan - be happy with the men that the society you've helped create and support produced. Men, face it, your lame and no one cares that your a freelance web designer so work more on your personality and stop throwing in the towel just because a few girls rejected you.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

- A Bloodless Holocaust –

There is a Yiddish phrase my grandparents used to say which transliterates roughly to: besser tzu shtarben staiendik aider tzu leben oif di kni. It translates to "better to die standing than live on your knees." This phrase always touched a nerve in me, especially since both of my grandparents are survivors. The phrase paints a portrait of a strong open-eyed people, a community of Che Guevaras! A community of people ready to do anything it took to fight for what they believed in, even if it meant death.

But I knew better. Although the phrase may sound nice, it was never actually put into practice by many Jews. The Nazis told the Jews to do something and the Jews did it, some even volunteered. I suppose it took 60 years to finally come to the realization as to what this phrase really meant. I believe the phrase wasn’t an outright lie, but rather, oblivion or delusion. The Jewish love for life and peaceful existence was so strong they would rather die falsely standing than live on their knees. It became Jewish practice, as a community, to deny reality. The ability to ignore what is actually going on, and don blinders to the world, became unprecedented and were only closely matched by the Cambodians in the 1970’s. The reality was that the Jews never fought as a unified community against the Nazis because they were so busy convincing themselves it would never happen that when it finally did occur it was too late to fight back. So much for dying standing with pride.

It was this flaw within the Jewish mentality that allowed the Holocaust to occur as widespread as it did and it is this same flaw that is destroying the Jews once again, 60 years later. Inter-faith marriage is decimating the Jewish population. 50% or more of marriages are inter-faith. The numbers are clear: In the 1980 American census, Jews constituted 2% or 5-6 million people in America. As of the latest census, the number has halved to 3 million, or half the number of Jewish victims of the holocaust. The American population got larger and the Jewish population got smaller. This is easy to comprehend. If Jewish parents have a son who marries a non-Jew, the Jewish population one generation later has lost 5.5 people (the mother, father, son, and potentially 2.5 children).

Just like the Jews of yesteryear were desperate to live peacefully, the Jews of today are desperate to please their children, allowing them to do anything, including inter-faith marriage. And once again, 60 years later, the Jewish population has done almost nothing on a unified communitarianist level to stop this bloodless holocaust. The Jews of today would rather bicker about kashrut certificates and the supposed rise of anti-Semitism (anti-Semiitism does not ebb and flow, it is a constant) than admit what is happening to our population and people – this sounds like a familiar plan my grandparents know all too much about.

During World War II, the chances of surviving the war as a Jew were a mere 7%. The chances of surviving the war as a Jewish resistance fighter was 85%. It is better to die standing then to live on our knees. The question is, when are the Jews going to stand?